Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Doctors Appointment and Ultrasound #4?

We had our Doctor's Appointment today with one of the other Doctor's in the practice. Baby Grover's heart rate was between 160-170 and Robin was measuring at 28-29. As a result of measuring a little small the Doctor requested we get yet another Ultrasound. Being old professionals at this Robin and I were not real worried, but were able to get our ultrasound done right after the appointment. Everything continues to check out well with Baby Grover, Luann the technician we have had on two of our ultrasounds said that the baby weighs approximately 4lbs. 3oz and her heartrate during the ultrasound was 130. Baby Grover appears to be right around the 50th percentile for everything. Good news is we have even more Ultrasound pictures, here is our favorite from today. You can check out the rest of the pictures by clicking here or by going to the Set on the new Flickr account.

Monday, October 29, 2007

9 week countdown

We have made it back from our trip to Florida visiting Robin's family last Wednesday. Robin is in the process of uploading pictures of our Florida vacation as well as every digital picture we have on the computer. If you go to our Flickr Account (we've also added a new link on the right for our new account), you will be able to see pictures of the family, the minivan we rented, and our encounter with a couple of alligators. We have continued to work on the nursery since we have gotten back from our trip. We have put together the crib and started arranging the furniture around in the nursery.
We have another Doctor's appointment on Wednesday for Robin's checkup. We will give a report after the appointment. Here is the week 31 picture of Robin and a picture of the crib.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

A few words from Robin

I've been saying for a while now that I need to post an embarrassing picture of Jeff because I don't think it is fair that week after week my picture gets posted. So, here is a picture of Jeff before he went golfing on one of the hottest days of the year. In addition to his sunglasses and hat, he is also completely covered in 50+ sunscreen.

The reason we are posting weekly pictures of my "progress" is that my mom gave me a Belly Book to journal my pregnancy. It has a place in there for weekly pictures, so since we are taking them, might as well post them on the blog too. Most weekly pictures are taken before leaving for work Thurs morning, which is why my hair is normally pretty wet. Looking at the pictures just makes me realize how little I do with myself throughout the week. For those of you who are unable to view the photos on this blog (according to our friends at the Bank of the West, when they try to bring up the site at work all the pictures are blocked) - consider yourself lucky.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Twin Shout Out!

The Lemke Twins are here and already waving hello to the world!

The 2 newest Cubs/Hawks/Bears fans are:

Name: Dustin Lee Lemke

Weight: 5 lbs 11 oz

Length: 18.5 inches

Arrived: 10/11 @ 1:02 AM

Name: Aleah Marie Lemke
Weight: 4 lbs 12 oz

Length: 17 inches

Arrived: 10/11 @ 1:03 AM

Both babies came home Wed, October 24th and are doing very well. We went up to visit them and they are the cutest little things!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

10 Week Countdown

We had a Doctor's appointment on Wednesday and everything went well at the appointment. Robin is measuring at 27 weeks and the baby's heart rate was 148. We have switched from monthly appointments to bi-weekly appointments. Baby Grover is continuing to grow as you can see in this week's installment of pictures.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Nursery Update

Sorry to all those who read this religiously as we have not been writing very much over the past two months. We have been trying to make decisions about things for the nursery and trying to keep up with all of the ups and downs of Hawkeye football. We have gotten several things done over the past two weeks. We have ordered the crib (should get here Friday), we have gotten the bedding, and painted the nursery. We are expecting our new living room furniture to arrive anytime as well which has the glider which we anticipate will get a lot of use with the baby.
We have a Doctor's appointment tomorrow and will let you know if we find out anything new. Also we fly out to Florida on Friday to visit Robin's Mom and family. We will post some pictures when we get back.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Week 29 Picture

Here is the week 29 picture of Robin carrying a basketball.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Entering the 3rd Trimester...

Here is the week 28 picture. We have been getting the room ready this week. We decided on a paint color and are really liking the choice. We have ordered the crib and it is on its way. We'll get some pictures of the nursery up soon.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Late Shout Out

This is a baby shout out for my mom's co-worker and friend, Kristin in Florida.

Amelia was born July 31st. She was a preemie but is doing very well. Here are some pics.

Another future Florida friend for Baby Grover.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Week 27 Picture

Here is the Week 27 Picture of Robin.