Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A little chuckle

I just had to mention today when I dropped Isabella off at daycare today her teacher looked at her and said, "Bella, Mommy put your shoes on the wrong feet" I looked down and the poor girl did have her shoes on the wrong feet. And it was not like it was her soft-soled shoes that could basically go on either foot, it was her velcro tennis shoes, so it was fairly obvious! But immediately I realized, I did not put her shoes on this morning, Daddy did. So I had to call and make fun of him. He did have an explanation though, the shoes weren't fitting over the thick socks she had on, so Jeff rushed and got a different pair of socks and then I guess put her shoes on... the wrong feet. I got a chuckle out of that numerous times today.

We had a good weekend in Dbq last weekend. I'll be posting more details soon.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Little Miss Manners

We are so proud of Isabella who has been using her sign language to say "please" after she signs "more". The sign for please is rubbing your chest in a circular motion, so I know when she's been polite at daycare because she doesn't wear a bib there anymore and I can tell by her clothing that her grimy hands have been signing 'please'. Here is a vide of her demonstrating.

So, maybe I spoke too soon. Would a well-mannered little girl shove mac and cheese into her face like in this video?

I can still assume she knows when she's full so she'll stop eating? Right? Sometimes it really just looks like she enjoys shoving food in her mouth.

This week at daycare they said she enjoyed doing somersaults on the mat. I was surprised, but I guess that would explain why I saw her attempt to do one last weekend and she just fell off to the side. I thought it was just a fluke.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Artwork! (with a digression into left-handedness)

Isabella came home from daycare on Friday with her very first piece of artwork. Of course, we are pretty sure she didn't do much of it, but you can see some scribbles which must be from her. Up on the fridge it went!

Isabella has surprised me with her ability to draw on her Doodleboard. When she got it for her birthday I thought that will be nice for her a little later. But, right away she knew what to do with it and loves it. Sometimes makes me wonder what else she can do that I think she's still too young for. I find it interesting that she only uses her right hand to draw. I thought most kids were supposed to be ambidextrous until 2 or 3, but she seems like she must be right-handed. A little disappointing since I am left-handed, but then I seem to remember as an uptight little girl being worried about if there would be left-handed scissors available to me if I went somewhere to do crafts. My mom tells me when I went bowling with the neighbors they came back and said they had to keep moving the ball to my right hand. I must have been too quiet to tell them otherwise. And then there's the whole eating at the table thing, ... leftys are always supposed to sit next to each other. Luckily Stacey was also left-handed, and helped me through whatever other hurdles we had as leftys. So, maybe it is best that Isabella is a righty, but.. six of the last 12 presidents have been leftys (5 of the last 7 have been left-handed), a very high percentage considering only about 1 in 10 people are left-handed. So, hooray for leftys, but Isabella, it doesn't look like you'll be one of them.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Isabella would like to wish everyone a happy St. Patty's Day.

It's hard to get a good photograph of a toddler who feels so independent being outside. She has been walking and walking and walking, and pushing us away when we try to slow her down (running downhill on cement makes me really nervous).

Saturday, March 14, 2009

8 Adults, 6 Toddlers

We had a full house tonight as Isabella had some friends over to play. She actually sat on Dano's lap for quite a while, this was surprising because she hasn't been letting other people pick her up besides teachers at daycare and Jeff and I.

Jeff made his pizza and I thought it was delicious. He thought the crust was a little crunchy, which it was, but still yummy. He got a really good rise out of the dough though.

There was a lot of activity in a little area. The place was an explosion of toys.

Aiden found different use for the croc walker.

Trev liked the rocking horse.

Damon enjoyed carrying around a strawberry for a really long time and giving it the occasional lick.
Isabella and Aleah played together a little.

Somehow Amanda found the time to make these adorable cookies even though her husband has been in Paris for the last two weeks and she's home with Aiden. I'm pretty sure I'd be in pretty bad shape if Jeff left me with Isabella for two weeks. Plus, Aiden has a bad cold and a double ear infection. I definitely wouldn't be making such detailed cookies. I'm such a wimp!

Even though it was a little cramped, I love having the house full of kids.... as long as only 1 of them is mine!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Runway Model

Isabella "strikes a pose" in her little Hawkeye track suit. Today was "Wear Iowa Stuff" day at daycare.

They keep mentioning to me all the funny facial expressions Isabella has been making lately.
Here is a video of her trying to balance her cell phone on her shoulder while she pushes her shopping cart. I rarely talk on the phone, so she must have learned this from Daddy. The girl is so determined!

We have a playdate tomorrow with Aiden, Damon, Dustin, Aleah and Trevor. I'd better go charge my camera!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The 2 hour flu

Isabella was pretty lethargic last night when Jeff picked her up from daycare. She didn't want to eat dinner (very odd) and then she started throwing up. Poor girl! She threw up a few times and then went to sleep very early. Jeff and I prepared ourselves for a long night and then figured out schedules and determine I'd probably stay home with her in the morning and then Jeff would take the afternoon off. To our surprise, Isabella slept great all through the night and the next morning she woke up really happy and signing for food. So, we really don't think it was the flu and she went to daycare and had a great day. Her daily sheet said "Bella had a GREAT day, she looooved dancing to the ABC song on a tv today! It was soooo cute".

Here is a video of her dancing and then turning off the TV. The look on her face is priceless.

Monday, March 9, 2009

A visit from Grandpa

Grandpa can for a visit last Sat and we had a good time. Isabella was a little apprehensive at first, but she warmed up. We went out to eat at Huhot for lunch. We were surprised Isabella wasn't more interested in the food there as she has really been enjoying her veggies lately. Isabella is getting into a better napping schedule now in her new room at daycare. We'd knew she'd be tired after lunch and ready for her nap. Grandpa finally got to hold her while she slept a bit.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

A couple of warm days

It has been raining since, but Thurs and Friday were beautiful days here. I think it got close to 70 on Thurs, so of course we had to spend a little time outside once Isabella got home from daycare.

There is just something about this picture that captures Isabella.

She got excited just being outside. She thought it was fun to walk on the deck.

Next we took her out front to let her try out her scoot toy. I thought she'd be good at it because her feet can actually touch the ground when she sits on it, but she didn't quite get the concept. The scoot toy was one of our cool garage sale finds last summer. I can't remember if we paid $1 or $2 for it! I can't wait to for it to be warmer so we can be outside more and more!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Drumming cousins

Even though they are separated by many states, these two cousins still enjoying drumming along. Maybe they'll form a band - with only drummers?

Notice that Isabella bows at the end? She's so well mannered!

I've been hearing quite a bit about how much Isabella likes to dance at daycare. One teacher even told me she will put her head down and shake her little butt in the air!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

No flu, no flu, no flu (fingers crossed)

Daycare sent out an email this afternoon:

On Thursday (3/5) & Friday (3/6) we will not be holding classes in the 3 and 4/5 rooms. At the present moment we have 6 staff out with Influenza and do not have adequate staff coverage at the Center.

At this point, all other classrooms will be open and running. However, if the spread of influenza continues among my staff members, we may have to adjust accordingly.

The door was covered this morning with notices of sick children and staff, I almost turned around and didn't take her in. Isabella's developed quite the cold... again... her nose is all red. They took her temp at daycare because they could tell she wasn't feeling quite herself, but it was fine. I hope she doesn't get the flu... and that her daycare room stays open!

Last weekend fun

We did a few activities last weekend that where Isabella's separation anxiety showed up again. On Friday, Uncle John and Aunt Kristy came over to babysit while Jeff and I went out to eat and to a Beatles tribute band concert. Isabella didn't seem too excited to have other people present while she was eating her dinner before we left. It sounds like things didn't go too badly, but she wasn't too happy that evening. It sounds like Uncle John and Aunt Kristy tried to entertain her and she was only half-heartedly joining in on the fun. It sounded like she basically acted the same way when we had our babysitter Cindy watch her while we went to Trivia Night the other week. I'm hoping the phase passes soon.

On Sat. night we made a trip to the Quad Cities to celebrate Elliot's 3 year birthday.

Happy Birthday Elliot!!! (we know you are a faithful blog reader!)

Isabella was shy at first, there was lots of other 1-4 year olds there, but it didn't take her too long to get comfortable. The party was nice, but I didn't bust out my camera, I don't know how that happened. Luckily Jesse sent me some pictures.

Here is Isabella watching the gift opening. We are working with her to keep things out of her mouth and yet she is caught on film clearly with something in her mouth

Isabella tried ice cream for the first time and really enjoyed it. We'd give her a bite and she's get a silly grin on her face. She also really liked Elliot's Cozy Coupe car (you've seen them everywhere - the red car with the yellow top). I'll be sure to keep my eyes peeled at garage sales this year to pick one up for her.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

So, I got the pacifier out again - Daddy was not happy

I asked at daycare if they thought the sign that I thought Isabella was doing for "water" was actually for water. They said no, they were pretty sure that when she did that sign she wanted her pacifier. Curses!! So many times she has asked me for her pacifier and I have given her water and I didn't even know she even remembered the pacifier. And I might just be going crazy, but now that I know - I think she knows I know - and now she's signing "pacifier" constantly. I had to give in, she was cranky, I tried giving her water, I tried giving her a blankie, she was demanding the pacifier - over and over again - and angry about it, to the point where she started throwing a tantrum and doing that back arching - making her body all stiff, sort of move. I went and gave her a pacifier. Her mood switched instantly. She was running through the kitchen giggling and being so very happy. Then she'd come over to me and show me the pacifier and giggle and run away. I felt that she was rubbing it in a little bit.

Jeff came home and I told him what I had done - he didn't approve. Jeff seems to be better at distracting her with all the rough housing and playing - I don't think she ever gives him the pacifier sign. Then Jeff left to play some basketball. She got upset and ran over to grab her coat and hat so she could go with. Seeing her try to put her hat on herself is pretty funny. It was getting close to bedtime. She signed "pacifier" to me, but I was able to distract her with some bean bags and then some books.

Today's video features Isabella "drinking" red bull energy drink. She grabbed it out of the fridge and is acting like she's drinking but it isn't even open. It seemed to give her energy!

Monday, March 2, 2009

In the toddler room at daycare

Today was Isabella's first day in the Toddler Room at daycare. I felt a little sad dropping her off and a little nervous, we'd really gotten to like the teachers in her old room and felt very comfortable with them. It was so silly that I even felt a little scared because the room is actually the same room just with a counter in the middle dividing the two rooms. Her old teachers said 'hi' over the counter and told her she was a big girl today. By the time I pulled away I could see her in the room already playing with her friends so that made me feel better. Her Daily Sheet said she had a great first day. It reported that her eating was excellent (big surprise). It said "She had lots of fun singing songs and playing with her new friends". I asked if they had to use the pacifier. They said just at naptime and one of the teachers from her old room had to come over and rub her back until she fell asleep.

I also uploaded some new videos that we'll be featuring in the blog. The first one is of her playing with her "Hawkeye Car" (I suppose it really is a taxicab) that her Grandpa Groves made for her. She must have learned to say "wheeeee" at daycare because I'm not sure where else she would have picked it up from and she just started saying it whenever she would roll the car.

The short-lived return of the pacifier

The Friday before we went to Chicago Jeff stopped in at daycare to run Isabella to the doctor (she'd been sick and I was pretty sure she had an ear infection and her tubes weren't working... but she was fine). When Jeff stopped in at daycare Isabella was hanging out with a pacifier in her mouth. This was surprising because she stopped using her pacifier around Christmas, or so we thought, but, we failed to inform daycare of this! I still can't believe we never told them she had stopped using her pacifier (even though she actually hadn't, I guess).

I wasn't ever too concerned about her using a pacifier, I had just already received a lot of advice about how to get her to stop using her pacifier. I decided to not stress about it and when she was done, she'd be done. So... around Christmas, when Isabella was over-extended by lots of activity and teeth, when she was really upset we would offer her the pacifier and she would rip it out of her mouth and throw it on the ground. We decided we weren't going to force something on her that eventually we would turn around and try to get her to stop using it, so that was it. And it seemed so easy. I actually thought about it a few times after she was done with it and thought about how lucky we were that it wasn't some big ordeal to get her to stop using her pacifier.

But, I guess she actually wasn't done...

So, then I got to thinking, had she been wanting it at home and we weren't giving it to her? We decided in Chicago we would bring along some pacifiers and she could go ahead and have it.

It seemed to work well in the car, she was pretty content the second 1/2 of the drive, but she didn't fall asleep (and I really thought she would). Then as the day went on she got a little more difficult, we easy resorted back to popping the pacifier back in her mouth. But she like to take it and play with it and drop it on the ground, kind of a pain....

Then that horrible night of sleeping we tried to give it to her and she ripped it right out of her mouth again and threw it down. We then decided - she was DONE with the pacifier.

So, I talked to them at daycare and told them the situation and said she didn't have to go cold turkey, but maybe if they could offer her the blankie instead. I'll have to talk to them again to see how that's going. But now that I know she's been using it, we've started to think that maybe when we thought she was signing "water" she was actually signing "please pop a pacifier in my mouth". It seems to make more sense, the sign she does just kind of looks like water and when she does it and I get her water, she's not always so interested in it. Still trying to decipher that one.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

More pics from the Chicago weekend

Jeff's parents posted more pics from our Chicago weekend and they got some good ones. I thought I'd be able to move them right over into my Flickr account but couldn't figure how to do that without downloading them all and uploading them again (if any Flickr experts would happen to know an easier way any tips are greatly welcomed). So for now I'll just link to them. Chicago pics

I had to post this picture because it shows the delicious food we always get a Gabe's restaurant. Our plates are filled with omelets and potatoes.

And then I had to show this picture because Isabella is so darn happy.