Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Isabella would like to wish everyone a Happy Halloween in her own special way.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Butternut Squash

The last time Grandpa came to visit he brought some pumpkins and some butternut squash from his garden. We fixed up the squash and I thought Isabella might like it, but I was wrong. I think the texture was different from the baby food she is used to and that was the main reason. Still, I decided to have her try it again and get it on video because her reactions get pretty funny. We also carved pumpkins last night, two from Grandpa's garden (thanks Grandpa!) and one from the pumpkin patch. More pictures to come.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Baby Multitasking

I can increase my playtime productivity if I play with multiple toys at the same time......

Happy 10th Month B-day to our little girl!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Awwww, she looks miserable.....

.... not exactly something you want to her from the check-out lady at Walgreens, but she said it about our little darling. Isabella's latest ailment is pacifier rash. She doesn't even really use a pacifier all that much, but over the last few weeks a little rash on her face has really flared up and started spreading. At her ear infection checkup, the doctor told us to put some hydrocortisone cream on it and then keep putting on the Aquaphor and Vaseline. If it gets any worse, she might write her a prescription for it, but let's hope it doesn't go that far. I think if we just step it up a notch and are really diligent about keep her face dry and her pacifiers clean it might help. We are assuming it doesn't really bother her.... it just makes her look miserable.

Here's a pic with her buddy, Aiden. You can see a little of the rash.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Isabella's current favorite past time

Check out these videos of Isabella practicing her ball handling skills

Sunday, October 5, 2008

New tooth and I'm pulling myself up on everything!

During Isabella's rough week we noticed that she has a new lower tooth. We have been watching her two upper teeth as they are coming in, in fact one of them may have started breaking through today. The biggest change in the last few days is that Isabella is pulling herself up on just about all of the furniture in the house. She started off about a week ago pulling herself up on a big block, and that has transformed to pulling herself up on the first step of the stairs. She is getting one of her knees up on the stair, but can't pull herself up to this point (which we are happy about). She has started standing up in the tub and once in her crib. We are going to have to continue babyproofing the house as she is making progress on becoming a real terror.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Rough Week

Antibiotics from her ear infection and a horrible diaper rash had us calling the doctor's office Sunday, Tues and Thurs. Note to self: always determine whether your daughter's antibiotic needs to be refrigerated or not. We missed that detail on the bottle a week ago on Wed. By Sunday, when I went to give her a dose, I noticed the color looked yellowish/off-white, rather than white. Realizing our mistake, I called the pharmacist to figure out what to do. We had to get a new prescription and due to insurance we had to give her more of a lower dosage. By Tues, daycare was calling about a bad diaper rash that had formed. So, off we went to the doctor on Tues night. She recommended a medicated ointment called Resinol, so it was back to Walgreens. Wednesday we hoped things would start looking better. No such luck. By Thurs daycare was calling to say the diaper rash was bleeding. So, back to the doctor she went. This time the doctor gave Jeff a recipe to make Magic Butt Paste (as soon as Jeff told me about it, I kicked myself knowing that Amanda's friend Erica had sent me the recipe a while back and I totally forgot about it) Poor little Isabella has just not been herself. I feel like she kind of gave up the fight after a while when we changed her diaper, no squirming, just crying, it broke our hearts. She finished the antibiotic Friday night and her diaper rash looks a little better. To add to the misery for Isabella the Hawkeyes lost on Saturday and the White Sox have not started out so well in the playoffs(Isabella has a $1 bet per game with Grandma Groves).