Sunday, March 30, 2008

3 months!

Isabella turned 3 months on 3/24. She got to wear her 3 month t-shirt (a hand-me-down from Tammy's daughter Marlee) and got lots of comments on it. They even mentioned how cute it was on her daily sheet at day care. Normally they write about how much she enjoyed the "yellow chair". We'd have to say 80% of they time the sheet says "Today Isabella really enjoyed the yellow chair". So, I looked to see what the infamous yellow chair was and it turned out it is a glider, not a swing or a bouncy chair. So, that's a special treat she gets to enjoy at day care and now that I think about it, it is possible my cousin Michelle mentioned something about a new glider Fisher Price had that was really good. Isabella has also been starting a new routine of blowing out her diaper each day at day care and coming home in a different outfit. One day they mentioned that she thought it was pretty funny and when Jeff asked they said she was laughing about it. At that point we had yet to see her laugh and got her to give us a little giggle last Friday. It is really exciting and we can't wait to see more laughs! Her Month 4 Flickr set has been created.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Break Dancing

Jeff's parents sent us this JibJab Video starring us! It cracks me up each time I watch it. Who knew Izzie has such well-defined arms!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

Isabella would like to wish everyone a Happy Easter.

Isabella has been battling yet another cold, but seems to be feeling better today. Grandpa came down to Coralville to visit and give Isabella a doll cradle. As you can see Isabella did find a use for it today, but we are going to be putting her dolls in it soon enough. We will be taking her on her first weekend getaway next weekend to Dubuque for the Alumni Basketball Tournament. We are a little afraid of how everything will work out as we are pretty comfortable at home. We will let you know how everything goes.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Ordering Prints From Flickr

Just recently it came to our attention that not everyone can order prints of pictures from our Flickr photo site. I didn't realize this, I thought everyone had access to the "Prints and More" button at the top of each picture. To be able to order prints through Target from our site you need to be a Flickr member. It is free to sign up and I'm a big fan of Flickr and all the stuff you can do with it. Once you are member, you can select a picture, send it to Target and pick it up in an hour. It is just that easy!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Baby Shout Out

Emily Ruth Klitzke
Born: 10:17am on February 11, 2008.
Weight: 9lb, 15oz,
Length: 22 inches.

Congrats to Erika and Matt Klitzke!

Now all three babies are here from this picture of the 3 pregnant girls in Sept. with the NA beers a Pippen's in Chicago! There could be some rivalry between Isabella and Emily as Emily is already one of Aiden Davis's girlfriends. Isabella is already a little jealous because she noticed Emmy has the Itsy Bitsy Spider bouncer that she really really loved at Grandma's!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patty's Day

Isabella would like to wish everyone a Happy St. Patty's Day.

She had a really good day in daycare today. I saw a toddler in the other room wearing the same dress that she had on!

I'd also like to somehow unjinx us after posting that last post. She decided not to sleep through the night last night which I had a feeling might happen if we spoke out loud about it.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Sleeping through the night

Isabella has been making our lives easier the past week by sleeping through the night. She has done pretty well all along usually only getting up once a night to eat, but has taken her sleeping to the next level, often sleeping for ten to eleven hours straight. Hopefully this will continue as it has allowed both of us to get a good night's rest. We don't have a clue as to why she sleeps so well overnight, but it may be that she gets exhausted at daycare during the day.
Isabella dressed up today in her Hawkeye jersey. We then decided to see how many black and gold accessories we could put on her. Below is one of my favorites in her Hawkeye gear working up a sweat (we put her flower headband on backwards) as well as a really cute picture of her in her Bumbo chair. You can see all of the pictures at the Flickr site.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Isabella's First Day at Daycare

We started taking Isabella to daycare for a few hours this week in order to start her getting used to it before I go back to work (3/17). She seems to be doing okay there. The first day she didn't really want to eat, which we've never seen before, but the next day she ate fine. There are 13 babies in Isabella's room, most are under 1 year. There are only two other little girls, all the rest are boys! Today Jeff called me and said the daycare called him to tell him that Isabella had bitten off another kid's arm and we had to go get her. As ridiculous as that story is, my heart still skipped a beat when he told me that, like something was wrong. I should know better than to believe anything that comes out of Jeff's mouth.

Even though it was tough that first day to leave Isabella with complete strangers, it is nice to have a few hours to myself during the day, I'm considering it my mini-vacation before I go back to work. I'm very excited to try to get a few projects done that I seriously thought I'd have time to do during most of my maternity leave. I must have had it in my head pre-Isabella that she'd take these 3 hour naps during the day and I would work on the baby book, blog, organize photos, organize my closet, etc. I wasn't aware that when she took these naps it would be mostly in my arms or that she would wake up 10 minutes into them and I would spend the next hours calming her down. I mistakenly thought she'd spend time in her bouncy seat or swing and I'd work on thank you notes or something like that. Nope. Before she hit 2 months, she only wanted to be held. So, I'm really looking forward to getting a few things done while she is out of the house. Maybe I'll even have time to compose a few blog entries I've been thinking about such as "Why 'Sleeping When the Baby Sleeps' is Complete BS".

Here is Isabella on her first day to daycare. Yes, she looks scared, she may have been picking up on some of my nervousness.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Grandparent's February Visit

It is a running joke that Jeff's parents are going to come out once a month now from Ohio to visit Isabella. They made the trip in Dec, Jan, and now most recently Feb 28-March 2. They brought Jeff's Grandma Jeanne with them to meet Isabella. Once again, it was wonderful to have them here, it allowed me to meet friends for lunch on Friday, go to Trivia Night on Friday night, and then go to Melanie's baby shower on Sat.

Isabella has taken to getting a really good nap once a day in her car seat. I used to get this nap accomplished while I would go out to the mall, run errands or walk at the North Liberty rec center. Then I realized I didn't actually have to leave the house for her to get her good nap, I could just put her in her carseat, walk her around the house, and then set her down and have a couple of hours to get things done. (I feel a little bad sticking her in her carseat, but whatever works at this point, plus I read it helps to clear up congestion if they took a nap in their carseat and Izzie had been congested all week) So, I told Grandma and Grandpa that if she was tired/cranky and not taking a nap they could put her in her carseat. When I got home, I thought it was cute that Grandma was actually holding the carseat in her lap while Izzie napped.

On Monday, when it was just Isabella and me, she wasn't quite as content sitting in her bouncy seat or under the lighted piano. She seemed cranky unless there was a bouncing Tigger in front of her at all times.... gee I wonder why....