Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Ear Surgery

I took Evie to see the ENT Doctor today, who is the same Doctor that did Bella's surgeries for her ears. There was no big surprise as he found her appropriate for tubes and thought they would help her out a lot considering how many ear infections she has had. She will go in for surgery on April 6th which I consider a late Birthday present from Mom and Dad. What better present than the gift of relieving some future pain and hopefully will be a gift to Robin and I in the form of less sleepless nights.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Double Ear Infection

I am finally at the point to meet with the Doctor to see when we can get ear tubes for Evelyn after finding out that she has ear infections in both ears. We had noticed some drainage on a couple of occasions out of one of the ears which Robin and I thought was odd. We were not even sure we should take her to the MD as we thought her pain may be from the several teeth she has coming in right now. The Doctor said that both ears looked really bad which made me feel pretty awful as I have been thinking we could wait on tubes until the fall. Evie has been such a trooper, you wouldn't know anything was wrong with her during the day and she has been sleeping really well with the exception of last night. She has had some periods of fussiness, but we attributed much of it to being tired and her teething. Next Tuesday we will meet with the ENT Doctor and hopefully get tubes in soon to see if we can avoid some ear infections. I wasn't sure what to give Evie for her Birthday, so I guess tubes will be a nice gift.
Evelyn is getting stronger with standing, she can stand for about 5 to ten seconds without any problems and has taken a small step a couple of times. On Sunday morning we were listening to music and she was dancing without holding on to everything. Thankfully Robin came in to see her as it was absolutely hilarious and would not have been believable. She was bouncing and dancing with her arms. We tried to get it on video, but she would not dance like that again. I will have to try again in the near future with the camera ready to go.
We are going to be in Dubuque for the annual Alumni basketball tournament. This tournament gets more difficult each year (because of age and not having the same physical abilities as 10 years ago). Our first game is at 6:30PM on Friday night so we will be leaving home by 3PM so we can get settled into the hotel. My parents will be meeting us in Dubuque as they have not seen an alumni tournament since they moved away from Dubuque. I look forward to seeing everyone and hopefully winning another championship. I am not looking forward to how my body will feel at the end of the tournament. Bella is looking forward to seeing Grandma and Grandpa as well as seeing Aiden again. Bella has enjoyed running around on the bleachers of basketball games during our Sunday night basketball games with Aiden, hopefully they will have enough room to enjoy themselves this weekend.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Class pictures

I always love class pictures. These were taken last fall, a little before Thanksgiving, so they are kind of old. Evie had just recently started sitting up, so we were surprised to see her just sitting up by herself front and center.

Bella's class has already changed a bit. I hear both good and not so good things about her interactions with her classmates. I guess there were a couple of new girls in class that don't speak very much English and Bella's teachers told us Bella really stepped up to play with them and make them feel comfortable. Then there are the other days where I have a conversation like this:

Bella's friend Z: Who's mommy are you?
Me: Bella's
Z: Bella screams at me
Z's Mom: Well, I'm sure she just got frustrated about something like we all do...
Z: Bella kicked me in the head.
Z's Mom: Well, you might just be thinking about when you two were just jumping and playing and I'm sure it was an accident.
I kind of think Z said something else similar about Bella did to him, but I can't remember now...

As usual, the individual pictures are hilarious. Bella got a haircut that definitely wasn't one of my favorites a few days before.