Saturday, August 28, 2010

Evelyn's 4 month appt

Evelyn had her 4 month appointment a few weeks ago. The doctor said it looks like Evelyn is doing very well. I asked her about her odd headshape and her drooping left eye. The doctor didn't seem too concerned and said we'd take a look again at 6 months. She said Evelyn's head is quite asymmetrical and that might make one eye look bigger than the other.

Here are her stats:

Height 25 inches (80th percentile)
Weight 14 lbs (60th percentile)
Head 16.25 inches (70th percentile)

She got all her shots and didn't do very well with them. We got a call later in the day from daycare requesting that we come get her because she had been miserable. In a strange coincidence, someone was picking up their son at the same time and told the teachers he wouldn't be in tomorrow because he had his 4 month appt, would be getting shots, and they didn't want to put the teachers through that. I just kind of looked at the teachers and smiled and left with Evelyn. It never crossed my mind that she'd have a bad reaction. She ended up being fussy for a few days afterward so we took her back to the chiropractor. It was my first time to witness the chiropractor with Evelyn and it really seemed to relax her quite a bit.

Evelyn's not rolling over yet, but I think she's getting close. She holds her head up high and likes to sit up more (supported). She is also constantly full of smiles!

This weekend we've noticed a little tooth poking through on the bottom. It is quite sharp and she's pretty sensitive about it.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

June visit from Grandma, Aunt Nancy and Gus

The last weekend in June Grandma Groves, Aunt Nancy and cousin Gus came to visit. Grandma Groves came on Wed. night. Her flight from Florida was a little late. Isabella and I killed time by eating dinner at the A&W down the road. Isabella was less than thrilled with her hamburger, but couldn’t get enough of the French fries. She’s been on a French fry kick lately. We picked up Grandma and headed home. We were very excited that she was going to be here for a whole week. Thursday morning we had part 2 of our family photo shoot –a gift given to us by the Pathways staff. Jeff couldn’t attend as he had work to do, but my main goal was getting pictures of the girls and with Grandma there to help things went smoothly. After the shoot we took both girls to daycare (Evelyn started going part-time that week) so that we could go pick up Aunt Nancy and Gus from the Moline airport that afternoon. As the day went on, their flights got more and more delayed and canceled, etc. They were still sitting on the runway in NYC by the time we were supposed to be picking them up from the airport in Moline. Not a good situation. It sounds like Gus was really good throughout the whole thing. Grandma and I finally picked them up sometime between 9 and 10 that night. The next morning (Friday) Gus and Isabella got to see each other. Isabella was a little shy at first but it didn’t take long and they were playing like old friends. I think the first conversation I heard between them went like this:

Gus: Be nice

Isabella: Say please

It is so nice to see how much fun they have together.

We decided to head to the beach at Coralville Lake on Friday morning. When we drove in the admissions guy told us that we didn’t have to pay because there wasn’t much beach there because of all the rain. There was a little strip there, enough for Gus and Isabella to play in, so we went ahead and got out all of our stuff. However, we were being horribly attacked by bugs. They weren’t biting us, but they were all just landing on us and were very annoying and gross. The more you swatted them away the more that seemed to land on you. It didn’t bother the kids too much, but every once in a while one of them would go “Bugs! Bugs!”. We managed to make the most of it, though. After research back at home, Nancy determined they were mayflies or fish flies, that really only have a life span of about a day and we just happened to be there that day they all hatched!

That afternoon my Uncle Ron and Aunt Judy came to visit. They’d been in the area here from Michigan for a Corvair conference so it was so great to have them visit.

On Sat. Grandpa Groves came to visit. We all went out to lunch at the Vine. We were hoping to be able to sit outside, but the weather had just been too hot. Later that afternoon we got out the wading pool for the kids to splash around in. They had lots of fun and Gus taught Isabella how to lay in the water and kick her legs.

On Sun we went to the play area at the mall. Grandpa Groves came to visit again after he ran the Sturgis Falls ½ Marathon. He came in 3rd in his age division! He brought Gus and Isabella some medals.

Evelyn enjoyed Aunt Nancy wearing her in the Moby.

Monday was my first day back at work. Grandma and Isabella took Nancy and Gus to the airport. It sounds like Isabella was on her best behavior during their adventure. It was sad to see Nancy and Gus leave.

Grandma Groves stayed until Wed. Isabella and I took her to the airport. Isabella wanted to get on the plane and go home with Grandma.

Gus seems less than thrilled with me in this picture that Grandpa took.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Corn pizza

Thanks to my sister for sending me a picture of "real" corn pizza. They sell it at Whole Foods. I like that you can see the corn kernels on the counter in this picture.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

This one is for the Davises

Isabella has an ever expanding palate and on a couple occasions has decided to put corn on her pizza. This is funny to us because when we were in the Dominican Republic with the Davises, 4(?) years ago the buffet always had pizza, but they always put corn on it. We found it pretty funny (for the first few meals, at least)

Isabella also likes to wrap blueberries in a tortilla and eat them.

Enjoying corn pizza...