Friday, October 30, 2009

PAETEC Halloween Party

My company throws a Halloween party for our children every year and the employees go out of their way to decorate our office so the children can come and go trick-or-treating. We create a maze through the cubicles and different departments have different themes. I'm amazed at all the work that goes into this. (my contribution this year, unfortunately, was only sticking a few paper pumpkins on the wall). On Thurs. I worked from home, Jeff left work early, came and got me and we went and got Isabella from daycare and went to the party. Isabella was terrified at first. She clung to Jeff and when a ghost offered her some candy she actually screamed. We took a little break at my desk and tried to get her to get a little more comfortable, but there were still too many people around in costumes. She broke out of it after a while though. She started hesitantly taking candy from people and putting it in her bag. Then, when she spotted a bowl of candy on someone's desk and no one around, she went right over and helped herself. She really enjoyed arts and craft projects like decorating a pumpkin and a paper gingerbread man. Overall, she ended up having a really good time, especially once she realized there were long hallways she could run up and down.

When we stopped in at daycare that day to get her, she threw a big fit. I don't know if it was because we were there early, or because we were both there or what. We wanted to change her clothes and her diaper quick before we left. She was being quite the handful, saying 'no, no, no' and eventually even had to go into a timeout. Her teachers were like "Bella, what's wrong, we've never seen you act like this" I'm thinking - really? Because it was a fit, but it wasn't a huge fit. I can't imagine that she's always such a complete angel at daycare. The next morning when I dropped her off her teacher said "Bella, I heard you threw a big fit yesterday" I guess word travels fast, the teachers that saw it weren't in for the day yet.... Her teacher went on to tell me that she couldn't believe Bella had acted that way, she never throws fits, etc,etc, etc.... I seriously can hardly believe that. I wish she wouldn't save it all for Jeff and I....

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Halloween Activities

There are lots of Halloween activities going on around this time of year. I love it (and hopefully Isabella does too). Last Sunday we went to a party the city had at the Rec center. It took place mainly during her nap, so we went pretty late and she missed out on the Costume Parade, but she still got to see some other kids in their costume. The highlight was the balloon animal they made for her - a butterfly on a stick. She really enjoyed just waving it around. Afterward we went to the park - the weather actually wasn't too bad that day.

Today Isabella took a field trip to the pumpkin patch with her daycare class. She brought home a little pumpkin and kept calling it an apple. Tomorrow is my company's Halloween party for the children, so we are going to take her to that. On Friday she'll go trick-or-treating at daycare to the neighboring businesses. On Sat. we'll take her out trick-or-treating to some of the neighbors!! We've been working on saying "trick or treat" and she'll sometimes say it after I say it. Hopefully we find some time to carve the pumpkin!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Pre-natal appt

We had our 3rd pre-natal appointment. It was just run-of-the-mill, so nothing to report. The baby's heartbeat sounded great! It was 140. I am measuring at 16, which is right on target since I am 16 weeks along. I also got the H1N1 flu shot while I was there. I was a little nervous about it because I'm the only one I know who has gotten one. I was kind of hoping to wait a bit, but since I'm hearing reports of people already having the flu, I went ahead and got the shot. The nurse brought in the paperwork to schedule our ultrasound for 4 weeks from now. Jeff piped up and wondered if we could get the ultrasound somewhere other than the normal place they send us to. The reason is because we want to find out the sex and the tech last time had a hard time telling us telling us any of the 3 times we were there before, the same tech just told the Davises that she's 60% sure that it is a boy (60%????) and Amanda talked to other people who had similar stories about the same tech. The nurse said 'no problem' and now we are scheduled to have it at Mercy on Nov. 23rd.

Isabella has been practicing her big sister skills. She's really taken to her Grover baby doll and a certain teddy bear and likes to feed them milk, brush their teeth and cover them with a blankie, pat them on the back and say "night, night". Her patting on the back sometimes gets a little out of control and she is full on force hitting them, but she's trying. It is even making bedtime easier as we get Teddy and Baby all settled in and then she goes right to sleep.

And maybe we'll pretend these pictures didn't happen..... her throwing Baby down the stairs....

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fall Class Picture

Here is Isabella's Fall class picture. As usual, I get a huge kick out of all the kids. This was taken back when she was still in the 1 year old room. I guess I hadn't realized how much bigger she had gotten than the rest of the kids. No wonder she wasn't afraid to bite them. She's sitting right next to her BFF, but I don't think he's moved to the 2 year old room yet. I wonder if she misses him....

Click on the picture for a better view...

Happy Birthday, Daddy! (and Happy 22 months, Isabella)

Yesterday was Jeff's b-day and we went out to eat at Three Samurai. We hadn't been there since last Christmas and it was almost like I had forgotten how delicious it was! We went with the Davises and Abe, so it is always up in the air how Isabella and Aiden will act, but they did a pretty good job. Aiden liked the fire as they were cooking, but Isabella was a little scared. Isabella got the child's chicken meal and her plate was filled with as much food as ours! Maybe even more as she might have even gotten more rice than other people at the table. It was a plus for Jeff as he was able to finish Isabella's meal after he was done with his own. Isabella really liked the fried rice and chicken.

Group shot (notice how bare the restaurant is, we had early reservations because of the kids...)

Aiden is in good spirits

Isabella is scared of the fire

Jeff takes a shot at trying to crack the egg

The boys (minus Aiden) do Sake Bombs

Abe tries catching broccoli in his mouth (none of us were successful....)

Isabella really liked her fried rice

Isabella was not happy at the beginning of the night, but she turned around at the restaurant

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Bloomsbury Farm

Early this month we made a trip out to Bloomsbury Farm. They have lots of stuff for Isabella to do like a petting zoo, barrel train, hayrack ride, jumping pillow, etc. The forecast said 60 and sunny, but when we got there it was more like 45 and cloudy. We were underdressed and would have had a better time if it had been a bit warmer, but it was still nice. Plus, we met the Davises out there!

How tall this fall?

Isabella is too afraid to go on the train by herself

Isabella and Aiden hesistantly check out the jumping pillow

Isabella goes for it

Some big kids got on and made it really bouncy (big kids other than Jeff and Jeff)

Trying for the good fall photo
All pictures of Bloomsbury Farm

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Happy Birthday, Grover!

Uncle John called to let us know yesterday that it was Grover's birthday!!! October 14th. We didn't have time to bake a cake, but Isabella did drink some of her Grover Grape Juice.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hawkeye Tailgating

Isabella got to come tailgating with us a few weekends ago for the Arizona game. Grandma Linda and Grandpa Jack were in town that weekend and Grandma Linda watched Isabella during the game. It was pretty hot that day, but Isabella and all of us had a good time!

Just like her mommy, going after the cookies on the food table.....