Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Baby Shower Weekend

We had a really fun time the weekend of 11/17-11/18. Jeff's parents drove out all the way from Ohio. They got in Friday night. Jeff made some of his homemade pizza, John and Kristy came over and then we went down the block to visit little Aiden Davis.

On Sat. Stacey arrived from Cedar Falls, we went and got Cathy and we all went to the Iowa/Western Michigan game. We had a good time tailgating at Jeff's brother's spot in the EPB parking lot, different from our normal spot. Although the walk to the stadium is a little farther, it is a nice place to tailgate at. I got a little worried when the University Police decided to lock up the EPB building which is where we were using the bathroom. Normally they keep the building open, but since it was the start of the Thanksgiving break, they said all buildings were supposed to be locked. I was tempted to go plead as a pregnant woman to leave the building open, as there aren't even any port-a-potties in the area it could lead to big problems! But people just propped open the door and the police didn't seem to mind. They decided to get their ticket books and hand out tickets to underage drinkers instead. We all went to the game, and unfortunately the Hawkeyes lost. Very disappointing! That evening, Jeff's Aunt Loo arrived from Madison, WI.

On Sun, Stacey, Cathy, Tammy and Jesse threw a very nice shower for me. You can look at the pictures here. Jeff let them throw it at Pathways and it worked very well. We had good food, played a couple of games and opened gifts. We received lots of really wonderful gifts. I'd like to talk about them all, but there are a couple I'll just mention. Jeff's mom actually found a Baby Grover doll. Who would have known such a thing existed, but it does and it is adorable.

My mom sent a cute gift of things that reminded her of when I was little. Each had a note attached explaining the memories. I took pictures and they are in the shower set. Be sure to also check out the pictures of the adorable items knitted by Jeff's mom and my friend Cathy. Thanks to everyone for such a wonderful shower!

On Sun night, we went to watch Jeff play basketball and then we met John and Kristy for dinner at the Olive Garden.

Monday morning Jeff's parents got up and made the trip back to Ohio. It was a very nice weekend.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Week 35 Picture

Here is Robin before our Thanksgiving feast at the Iowa River Power Restaurant. I think I looked like her after we got home (at least I felt like it). We had a Doctor's appointment today and everything went well. We met with a different doctor in the practice, Dr. Adam. "You're just going to hide this baby, aren't you" is what she said after measuring Robin at 31. She said now they are just looking to make sure Robin is still growing, rather than be concerned that she is 31 rather than 35. So, no ultrasound came out of the appointment. The baby's heart rate was 140. Baby Grover has been moving around much more lately, we aren't sure she's getting much sleep anymore. She doesn't seem to be kicking much, just on the move, and letting us know she's there. Robin thinks she finally found some ribs to mess around with.

Robin's friends had a baby shower for her on 11/18 and she promises to post about it soon.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

6 Weeks to go

Here is the Week 34 picture of Robin. Nothing new to report. We have noticed the baby getting the hiccups. At least that is what we assume - it is different from the kicking and moving that she normally does.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Baby Shout Out!

The Davis Baby boy has arrived!!

Aiden James Davis
10 lbs and 22 inches
Born 11/12 at 14:52.

Mom, Dad and Baby are all doing well. We went to see them Tues night and he is as cute as a bug's ear.

It has already been decided that Baby Grover and Aiden will NOT be dating - ever! Sorry Kiddos!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Baby Shout Out


Alex Dean Peterson
Born: 10/24/2007 5:32 am
7 lbs 13oz 20 inches

Alex is the new son of Robin's good friend Tammy.

Alex just missed Jeff's birthday by 1 day - oh well... at least he made it in time for Halloween.

Friday, November 9, 2007

7 Weeks left

Time is certainly flying and it won't be long until Baby Grover is born. Here is the Week 33 picture of Robin. This week we went to our first baby class at Mercy Hospital. It is a child preparation class offered through Mercy Hospital in Iowa City. The class was not the most stimulating one we have ever taken, but it did provide us with a few laughs. We don't do so well as pupils sitting next to each other and tend to get the giggles. We were shown the different positions the baby might be in before delivery and which one to "try for" (head down, facing spine) as if we'd have any control over that. For some reason the teacher specifically mentioned trying not to eat too much canned soup because of the sodium content, causing us to laugh more because that was exactly what Robin was eating about an hour before the class. Robin got very little sleep that night as we were shown a tape of a delivery (omg!) and then a chart of what 1 - 10 cm dilated looks like (OMG!). We also got to see the delivery rooms and postpartum rooms. We have to go back again next week for part two of the class. Oh, and by the way, we were told "Tax Exemption" is not a valid reason for inducing labor - the whole class got a laugh about that as everyone is due about the same time.
We have continued to work a little bit on getting the nursery ready. This week Robin's Dad delivered us a bookshelf from Cedar Falls and hung up the rod for the valance.
I also included some pictures of our new living room furniture. We had no furniture in this room and after much shopping decided on a sofa, love seat, and a glider.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Baby Shout Out

This shout out is a little more difficult to write. It is for our friends', Paul and Michelle Kilgore, new baby:

Tadhg Michael Kilgore (Tadhg is pronounced like Tiger without the 'er'. )
Born at Mercy Hospital in Dubuque
1:22 pm on Friday, October 12, 2007

Poor little Tadhg was transferred to Iowa City Children's Hospital the night be was born because tests indicated he had a serious heart condition. At the Iowa City Hospital the doctors confirmed he that he had a disease called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. He went in for his first surgery on Thurs Oct 18th. Unfortunately, Tadhg has not been progressing as well hoped and they have been unable to stitch him up since that surgery. They have now put Tadhg on the heart transplant list and are waiting.

Every day Tadhg, Paul, Michelle, their two year old, Julia, are in our thoughts and prayers, please put them in yours as well.

Here is a picture of Tadhg and Michelle when Tadhg was minutes old.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Only 2 Months left!

Here is the week 32 picture of Robin.

Nancy freaked us out a little bit this week. She had lunch with a friend who is due on Dec 15. All along this friend was told she was having a girl and then two weeks ago an ultrasound showed she was having a boy!!! She's working on exchanging all the girl stuff for boy stuff now.

Still, we aren't worried. We've had 4 ultrasounds in which they said girl, I think it is fairly certain...