Wednesday, November 25, 2009

23 months!

It is hard to believe that yesterday our little girl turned 23 months meaning in less than one month she will be a two year old!!!

Earlier in the week I heard her messing around in the bathroom, but didn't think much of it. When I walked by she was sitting right on the big toliet, no potty ring, fully clothed and just hanging out. Yes, she was halfway in the toliet. Yes, her little behind was soaked with toliet water. It was a pretty funny sight and I'm pretty happy it happened right before bathtime rather than after.

On Sunday, we took Isabella to the Children's museum. She had a really good time, as usual. Incidentally she also to a field trip there this week at daycare and also really enjoyed it.

Probably a good thing we aren't having a boy if this is how she's going to treat this anatomically correct baby boy doll

Sunday night we watched Aiden since it was Amanda's birthday and the Davises wanted to go out for dinner. Isabella really enjoyed having her friend over. The Davises were only gone for 1 hour and 15 minutes (geez). I was glad she had someone over to push around one of her toys with her. She's gotten into the habit of requesting that I push her shopping cart while she pushes her croc walker or vice versa and my back can't hardly take more than 2 times back and forth from the oven to the front door.

1/2 a second later.....

Monday, November 23, 2009

Ultrasound #2

We had our 20 week ultrasound today and were happy to hear the baby is doing alright. We were also looking forward to the ultrasound because we really wanted to know if we were having a boy or a girl. The ultrasound took over an hour as we started off with a student and then had the tech follow up all of her work. The baby was moving all around during the ultrasound so the student and tech had a little trouble getting all of the measurements as they had to keep adjusting with the baby. They kept saying the baby was "wiggly" and "photogenic" The ultrasound showed the due date as April 10th, so that was right on target as well. We got some regular ultrasound pics of the baby as well as some 4D pics. And it's a........

Girl! Bella will be happy to have a little sister to boss around.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Little Sickie

Isabella's nose has been running non stop for the last few days and she's been up the last couple of nights with a cough. Today she was sent home from daycare with a fever. Poor girl! She's really cranky too and I don't feel like there is too much we can do for her. It just seems like it is a really really bad cold. I can't believe one person can produce that much snot! I hope she gets better soon!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Baby Grover Pool for #2

We've started another pool for the next Baby Grover for everyone to guess the sex, weight, height and due date. We have our ultrasound next Monday and if all goes well we will know if we are having a boy or a girl, so get your guesses in quick!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Isabella's somersault

and also saying the word "Hawkeye" but I hope to get a better video of that soon.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Who's that girl?

Who's that girl? It's Isabella, of course. Dressed up for mismatch day at daycare and wearing some cool shades.

Ears are looking good!

Isabella had her ear tube surgery followup appt today and the doctor said her ears are looking very good! I was kind of surprised because she always seems like she is trying to stick her finger in her left ear. At the appt we only had to wait about 3 minutes before they called us back. Normally you would think that is good, but then we had to wait at least 25 minutes in the little room waiting for the doctor, when the other waiting room is the room that has all the good toys. Isabella was in a pretty good mood and we played little games with each other while we waited. Then 4 doctors suddenly burst in the room and completely scared Isabella (I think I jumped too). Plus, the surgeon and someone else had a crazy looking headband thing on that looked like maybe it was a light, but it was more like a reflector. They looked kind of crazy, so Isabella was even more afraid and the doctor said "Her ears look really good, she just must be teething", like he was trying to explain why she was crying and screaming.

Isabella also got her H1N1 flu shot last night. I don't think she's having any sort of reaction to it.

Isabella surprised Jeff and I by doing somersaults on her own tonight. She also did a really got job putting her puzzles together. Normally she just matches the pictures in the puzzle, but doesn't try to get the piece to actually fit. Now she is actually rotating the piece to have it fit.

Here's a video of Isabella singing "Old MacDonald"

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Tea with Daddy

Monday, November 9, 2009


Isabella has become a little ham. If she can get her hands on the camera, she'll bring it to me so that I can take her picture. She'll often go over and sit in her little chair and say "Cheese". Here are a few samplings of her requesting her picture be taken.

For this one, she got the camera, handed it to me, set her bear in the chair and then sat down and said "cheese"

Short video of what normally happens after Isabella hands me the camera

She also suddenly became a pretty decent singer. The songs I have heard her sing are "Wheels on the Bus" and "Old MacDonald" and the "ABC's" She used to just do the motions for "Wheels on the Bus" but now she actually sings also. I also heard her start sing "Old MacDonald" in the van one day. I noticed a bunch of "e-i-e-i" and then "old mc" and that was basically the extent of it, but it was really cute. If she wants to sing "Wheels on the Bus" she'll look at you intently and do the motion of the wheels. If she wants to sing "Old MacDonald" she'll say "E-I, E-I" in a really demanding voice. If you start singing and she's not the singing mood, she'll wave her arms in front of you and say "no, no, no". I can't get any of this on video yet, because she becomes distracted if you get the camera out!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween 2009

We got the pumpkin carved. It put a smile on Isabella's face.

Not a fan of the way the pumpkin feels on the inside

Isabella wore a dragon?/dinosaur? costume to go trick-or-treating. Most people thought she was a boy (some thought she was a boy when she was wearing her ladybug costume, too. ) We took her to about 10 houses in the neighborhood. I think she really liked it. She didn't really say "trick-or-treat", but she normally said "thank you". We ran into her friend, Eli, from daycare. After talking to his parents for a bit, she pointed at him and said "E-I". It was really cute, it is rare that I hear her say other children's names. In fact, I think I've only heard her say "Aiden" before and that is it. She also liked going to the door when people rang our doorbell. She'd watch as I'd give them candy and wave and say 'bye' as they left. She got her hands on another sucker and consequently got it all over her costume.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Isabella discovers candy

We've never given Isabella very much candy or sweets, but Halloween changed it all. Suddenly a lightbulb went off telling her what exactly was inside all those colorful little wrappers. I'm not sure if she had candy after her Halloween parade at daycare on Friday, but she came home pretty wired. She took a sucker from her loot and ate right through the wrapper, so Jeff took off the rest of the wrapper and she really enjoyed her first sucker.

It is fairly evident that she is in a sugar daze