Friday, June 24, 2011

Evelyn eating with a spoon

After she kept trying to grab my spoon, I figured maybe it was time to let her try by herself. She loved eating her applesauce with a spoon herself, but really, not too much actually made it into her mouth.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

The girls and I worked on Father's Day cards for Jeff on Sunday morning. At Isabella's recent daycare conference I learned she was able to draw people now, so I asked her to draw a picture of her daddy. I thought the result was pretty cute.

This is actually Daddy and Mommy

The girls making their cards

I took a video of Bella making hers. Sorry about the bad camera skills, I'm focusing so much on what Bella is drawing you hardly see her face and then I never even pan over to Evie who is so cute sitting next to her at the table.

Next, the girls and I went to Hardee's to pick up some breakfast for Jeff. I know, it sounds ridiculous, but Jeff is way better at making homemade breakfast food than I am and I know he likes Hardees breakfast (thought about Brueggers, but Hardees has a drive-thru, so that kind of made my decision). Bella, true to form, decided to help Daddy eat a large majority of his breakfast.

We did some normal Sunday stuff like running errands and then after lunch and nap we got out the slip and slide (picked one up at a garage sale) and our kiddie pool. The neighbor girls came over and everyone had a good time.

So, I kind of forgot that slip and slides are a little dangerous

Evie was a great spectator

On to the pool

Hey Bella, I think you have a little something on your face...

For the rest of the day we cleaned up and took Jeff out to Olive Garden for dinner. The girls were very well-behaved and we had a nice dinner. Next, we stopped in at Coldstone for some icecream to go. Cake batter and only all cookie dough for the mix-in. Even the worker at Coldstone said that was going to turn out very good and it was!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Baseball Game

Bella and I went to a Cedar Rapids Kernels game with my friend Jeff and his son Aiden last Saturday night while Robin and Evie stayed home. It was P&G night at the ballpark so Jeff got free tickets and invited Bella and I out with them. I hadn't been out to a game for a couple of years so it was fun to attend and see some live baseball (sort of). We had some great seats, we were in the second row right behind the visitors dugout. Bella and Aiden sat in their seats and ate some popcorn but were not very interested in the game. We got up with them a few times as food was the only thing that kept them occupied while sitting in our seats. Bella said she wanted a sandwich and we ended up getting a kids hot dog which appears to be a normal size hot dog (just cheaper). Below are a couple of pictures of us in our seats and Bella eating her hot dog.

After about 4 innings of trying to sit at our seats with intermittent breaks we decided to take the kids over to the inflatable bounce house, slide, and obstacle course. The kids did not care much for the bounce house and spent virtually all of their time going through the obstacle course together. Aiden was much better at climbing in the course but would always wait to see if he could help Bella. Here are a few pictures of Bella and Aiden having fun.

We did go back to our seats after missing about 3 innings with the promise we would go back and play which we did less than an inning later. We were then able to go back to our seats and see the last half inning of the ball game where the Kernels lost 8-7. There were fireworks after the game and I thought that it was a good fireworks show but Bella wasn't as impressed. Bella thought they were too loud and didn't seem to care about the way they looked. We took this picture below after the fireworks and after changing into pajamas in the men's room.

We got home around 11:30PM and Bella fell asleep on the way home. It ended up being quite the late evening as Bella vomited all over her bed shortly after midnight. It was a lot of vomit and was quite disgusting (I got to see small pieces of hot dog). As I was taking off her sheets I was trying not to throw up as the stench was so horrible that I could smell it well after being away from her room and her sheets. Bella sat on Robin's lap watching me as I changed the sheets and she vomited again on Robin, this was even more disgusting and if it would have been me that she had puked on it would have almost certainly started a puke-o-rama between me and her. Robin stayed in bed with her where she threw up two more times. I am not sure if we had a bug go through the house as Evie threw up overnight the Tuesday before and I threw up this last Wednesday overnight. Thus far Robin has avoided the plague but if the schedule holds up tonight is her night.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Evelyn's Ear Tube Surgery

I started this post on April 10th and realized I never added pictures and posted it.

Evelyn had her ear tube surgery the Wednesday (April 6th) after her Birthday. Her surgery was scheduled at 8:10am and we had to get there at 7am. Jeff and I both took the day off and we brought Bella with us. Evie was a trooper, she wasn't allowed to eat anything before the surgery and they were running behind, so it wasn't until about 9:10 that she went in for surgery. The surgery went well and we got out of there and ate what ended up to be lunch at IHOP. Bella went into daycare while we stayed home with Evie for the afternoon.
Prior to surgery
Prior to surgery
Bella and Mom watching Sesame Street while Evie is in surgery

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Aunt Jillian's wedding

Last week we drove to Ohio for Aunt Jillian's wedding. We left early on Wednesday and ended up making it to Ohio around 12:30AM Central Time. We were able to stop in Indiana to visit Robin's family for dinner and to let the kids play for awhile.

Great Grandma Groves with Bella and Evie

Robin, Great Grandma Groves, Aunt Anne, Evie and Bella

We left after dinner close to the girls bedtime so we could drive the rest of the way. It was nice to be able to drive for an extended period of time with no crying. On Thursday night we went out to the wedding site for the rehearsal. We were able to do some extra practice with Bella after the rehearsal in preparation for her role as the flower girl.

Wedding rehearsal

Afterwards we went out to eat at Jill and Joe's favorite mexican restaurant where the food was really good. It was nice meeting Joe's family and their friends. Thursday was Robin's Birthday and we sang Happy Birthday to her and she got a fudge brownie with ice cream. That may be the most people that have sung Happy Birthday where they found out the person's name about 5 seconds before singing it. On Friday we made it out to the park to play and had a barbecue that night at my parents house with Aunt Lou, Uncle Bill and John and Kristy.

We had cheesecake to celebrate Aunt Lou's Birthday.

When I put Bella to bed on Friday night I told her the wedding would be tomorrow and she said she didn't want to go. I was a little worried with how she would react the next day for the wedding. On Saturday Bella seemed ready to go to and be a part of the wedding. We had a chance to let Bella practice walking down the aisle before the wedding and it was the first time I thought she might actually pull off her duty without anyone's help. Robin got some bribe candy and gave a lollipop to my cousin Maggie who was a bridesmaid to give Bella after she walked down and stood next to her. You can see Bella holding the lollipop. Bella did a good job of waiting for Grandpa to come get her, I had fears that Bella would go to Grandpa as he was passing Jillian to Joe.

The wedding went great and Bella did an outstanding job. She did so well that after the wedding she was offered a repeat role in my cousin Jamie's wedding in August. Below are pics of Grandpa welcoming everyone, me with the girls, and Robin with Evie.

After dinner Bella was a dancing machine she danced until 11:30PM. Evie on the other hand fell asleep on me in her carrier. Below is Bella eating cake and a little while later reacting to Mom and Dad not dancing with her. Bella kept dancing after getting her pajamas on. It was a great wedding and I had fun seeing family.