Saturday, July 7, 2012

iMother's Day

This post is way overdue but I couldn't let it slide by.. I had a great Mother's Day.

Jeff surprised me with an iPad after I got myself an iPhone a few days before. So I had lots of new toys to play with.

If you ask Bella about Mother's Day she'll say it's the day we put up a bounce house inside. I ended up purchasing a small bounce house at a garage sale and the girls really love bouncing on it. We've only put it up inside so far.

It was a beautiful day so we went to Kent park for picnic. Evie didn't eat so well and kept trying to wander away. Bella was being a good big sister kept going out to get her and bring her back.

After eating we played at the playground for little bit.

We ended the wonderful day with ice cream at ColdStone.

 I'm so lucky -it was such a great day.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Evie sings 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star'

We have a video of Isabella singing 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' when she was about Evelyn's age or a little younger.   When I heard Evelyn singing it I knew I had to get a video.