Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Doctor's Appointment

We went to the Doctor's office today and heard the heartbeat again, it was 152. The Nurse scheduled our ultrasound for two weeks from today. We are both excited for this appointment to hopefully find out the answer to whether we are having a boy or a girl. Robin is fairly neutral about wanting a boy or a girl. I am not as neutral as I know I want a boy, I would like the balance of power to shift towards the male side. I really feel that we will have a girl, partly because that is what all of our friends keep telling us. I know that whatever happens I will ultimately be happy with either a boy or a girl (at least that is what I am telling myself).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What Jeff doesn't know yet - they could have 10 boys and the balance of power will ALWAYS be on Robin's side...