Friday, December 14, 2007

Have you read the Blog?

Just recently I was alerted to the fact that when asked "How are things going?" the answer "Have you read the blog?" is not an appropriate answer. The reason I answer this way isn't because I don't want to share or don't want to talk to someone, I just don't want to bore someone with details about what is going on if they've already read about it. So I just check first to get a handle on what they might already know and then I go into the boring details about sleepless nights, weekly doctor's appointments that last five minutes, and a baby who has gone from a polite kicker to quite the mover and shaker. I found out that my friend Cathy is actually boycotting the blog for this very reason. She would rather have me actually talk to her (gasp!). So, I guess I can write anything about her and she will never find out.

Anyway, please don't be offended if I ask if you've read the blog. Jeff and I are doing it to keep everyone in the loop as to how thing are going. I know it will get much more interesting once the baby is here, but then again, we might never have time to post anyway. Thanks for reading!


(by the way, I do write this all in good humor! It gave me quite the chuckle when I asked Cathy if she read the blog and she said "No, I hate the blog".)

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