Sunday, October 5, 2008

New tooth and I'm pulling myself up on everything!

During Isabella's rough week we noticed that she has a new lower tooth. We have been watching her two upper teeth as they are coming in, in fact one of them may have started breaking through today. The biggest change in the last few days is that Isabella is pulling herself up on just about all of the furniture in the house. She started off about a week ago pulling herself up on a big block, and that has transformed to pulling herself up on the first step of the stairs. She is getting one of her knees up on the stair, but can't pull herself up to this point (which we are happy about). She has started standing up in the tub and once in her crib. We are going to have to continue babyproofing the house as she is making progress on becoming a real terror.


Anonymous said...

That child is absolutely beautiful!!!

Unknown said...

At this age, Gus went up a flight of stairs on his own. Maybe Isabella won't be a climber.