Monday, November 9, 2009


Isabella has become a little ham. If she can get her hands on the camera, she'll bring it to me so that I can take her picture. She'll often go over and sit in her little chair and say "Cheese". Here are a few samplings of her requesting her picture be taken.

For this one, she got the camera, handed it to me, set her bear in the chair and then sat down and said "cheese"

Short video of what normally happens after Isabella hands me the camera

She also suddenly became a pretty decent singer. The songs I have heard her sing are "Wheels on the Bus" and "Old MacDonald" and the "ABC's" She used to just do the motions for "Wheels on the Bus" but now she actually sings also. I also heard her start sing "Old MacDonald" in the van one day. I noticed a bunch of "e-i-e-i" and then "old mc" and that was basically the extent of it, but it was really cute. If she wants to sing "Wheels on the Bus" she'll look at you intently and do the motion of the wheels. If she wants to sing "Old MacDonald" she'll say "E-I, E-I" in a really demanding voice. If you start singing and she's not the singing mood, she'll wave her arms in front of you and say "no, no, no". I can't get any of this on video yet, because she becomes distracted if you get the camera out!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

She is toooooo sweet!!