Monday, June 7, 2010

Our 2 month old

Evelyn turned 2 months last Thursday. Happy Birthday, little girl! Starting a little after 2 weeks, Evelyn turned quite fussy. I began to notice that she was never just awake and happy - she was either sleeping or crying. She also didn't like her bouncy seat, swing, boppy pillow and especially not her carseat. I discovered the only thing she was okay being in (except your arms) was the Moby wrap. The Moby wrap has definitely been a life saver for me during this maternity leave.

We made a few trips to the doctor, I didn't want to write this off as colic if something was actually hurting her. She seemed particularly fussy in the middle or after eating and also in the evenings. The doctor thought she might have acid reflux and we got a prescription for Prevacid. Unfortunately, you have try the medication for two weeks to see if it is working. You also have to give the medication once a day 30 minutes before eating, which is often difficult for a newborn that isn't on an eating schedule yet. I also talked to lactation consultants and am attending a breastfeeding support group to see what other things I need to try. We are trying a few different things and I'm also cutting dairy out of my diet to see if that helps things. Most things however, take a couple weeks to see if they will work, so it gets pretty frustrating.

The last few days have been going pretty well. We don't have as much fussing during eating and Evelyn seems to be enjoying walks in the morning with her in her carseat in the stroller. She still spends a lot of time in the wrap, but occasionally will let me put her down to take a quick shower. It is hard to really tell yet what is working for her, since we made so many changes at one time. It could be a combination of them all. Hopefully, though, I'll be able to start incorporating dairy back into my diet, because it is pretty hard to cut that out!

Her 2 month appt is this Friday. She'll get lots of shots, poor little girl. It will be very nice to have another visit to the doctor to see how she is doing.

Call me a liar - I actually have a picture of her smiling in her bouncy seat, a rare occurrence. She does give us lots of smiles, though, when we are holding her or she is on her changing tables and those little smiles are soooo great to see.

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