Sunday, April 24, 2011

Alumni Weekend

This is an attempt to catch up on a post I started almost a month ago. We went to Dubuque for the annual Alumni Basketball Tournament the weekend of March 26-28. My parents met us in Dubuque and stayed at the same hotel as us. They had not seen a tournament since moving away from Dubuque over 10 years ago.
You are guaranteed to play two games in the tournament. If you win your first game you advance to the winner's bracket. If you lose after that you are out of the tournament. We were lucky enough to win our first three games and advance to the Finals on Sunday. Unfortunately we were unable to pull out a victory in the Finals. In our first game Saturday morning, one of our teammates (Abe) ruptured his patella tendon. Below is a picture of Abe, he would not let us get a picture of his missing kneecap, it was too bad as we had a cameraman in place taking these fine shots from above.

A picture of me being absorbed into the body of a 300lb. man. This is the same individual who fell into Abe causing his injury.
What a sweet stroke! That free throw did go in by the way.
Bella in my old JV jersey.
I enjoy going back to see old classmates and their ever expanding families. We are all good friends, but it is tough to stay in touch throughout the year.

Bella had a blast spending the entire weekend with Grandma and Grandpa. It was kind of bizarre to only be focusing on Evelyn, because Bella was hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa. She even slept in their room. The first night everyone slept well. The second night was a little rougher. Grandma was up with Bella most the night and got up really early with her. Evelyn also was up quite a bit. Turns out everyone would eventually get sick. Robin even had to stay home from work on Monday.

Bella went swimming (but actually barely moved from this step)

Watching a lot of basketball and waiting around is a pretty good test for a 3 yr old. Bella did pretty well.
A game of catch with Julia

Being entertained by the iPad.
Bella slept like this through the ENTIRE championship game, should have known she wasn't feeling well. Exhausting weekend!

We got a kick out of the fact that Bella called the hotel "Buick". It was because we kept saying we were going to "Dubuque". During the first basketball game she said we wanted to go back to "Buick". Turns out she thought that was what the hotel was called.

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