Sunday, February 12, 2012


It's been awhile since we have blogged on a consistent basis so here are a few updates. Evie has been using the potty for the past several weeks, she usually has a BM or pees when she sits on it. She is very proud of herself after going and has a potty dance that she does. Evie is not at the point where she can lose the diaper and we do not expect that for quite sometime, but we are very proud of the progress she has made thus far. Evie is mostly interested because she sees Bella sit on the potty and her big sister has been her biggest cheerleader. She will get in her face after she has gone potty and say "Good job, Sweetie" and dances with her afterwards. Evie is also saying a lot more words and is really developing her personality. She is currently refusing to eat foods that are not fruit snacks or treats (at least she is not eating her lunch and dinner particularly well as of late). Evie has also been taking off her coat and shoes by herself when we get home.
Miss Leah from school did this to Evie's hair-so cute!

Bella is growing everyday and learning new skills. She has been doing gymnastics and really is enjoying it. Her writing skills continue to improve as she worked on Valentine's Day cards today. She wrote her name on the cards and started righting them in the proper order. She has been writing them in them in the proper order but not consecutively (i.e. her name has often times looked like Bllae). Bella is a bit of a drama queen as she got frustrated about writing her name. She wrote the "A" before the "L"s and said "I am going up to my room to cry forever." Bella has become interested in the names of streets, but I think she only has one down which is Interstate 80. Anytime we go by it or on it she yells "Interstate 80!"

Sample of Bella's work. (She chose "Hidden Pictures" for her Valentines. She really is loving doing Search and Find books, and probably didn't realize that these are quite a bit harder, but she's still excited about them)

We will do some long overdue posts on our trip to Florida and Disney World in November/December, Bella's BDAY, Christmas, and more.

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