My company throws a Halloween party for our children every year and the employees go out of their way to decorate our office so the children can come and go trick-or-treating. We create a maze through the cubicles and different departments have different themes. I'm amazed at all the work that goes into this. (my contribution this year, unfortunately, was only sticking a few paper pumpkins on the wall). On Thurs. I worked from home, Jeff left work early, came and got me and we went and got Isabella from daycare and went to the party. Isabella was terrified at first. She clung to Jeff and when a ghost offered her some candy she actually screamed. We took a little break at my desk and tried to get her to get a little more comfortable, but there were still too many people around in costumes. She broke out of it after a while though. She started hesitantly taking candy from people and putting it in her bag. Then, when she spotted a bowl of candy on someone's desk and no one around, she went right over and helped herself. She really enjoyed arts and craft projects like decorating a pumpkin and a paper gingerbread man. Overall, she ended up having a really good time, especially once she realized there were long hallways she could run up and down.
When we stopped in at daycare that day to get her, she threw a big fit. I don't know if it was because we were there early, or because we were both there or what. We wanted to change her clothes and her diaper quick before we left. She was being quite the handful, saying 'no, no, no' and eventually even had to go into a timeout. Her teachers were like "Bella, what's wrong, we've never seen you act like this" I'm thinking - really? Because it was a fit, but it wasn't a huge fit. I can't imagine that she's always such a complete angel at daycare. The next morning when I dropped her off her teacher said "Bella, I heard you threw a big fit yesterday" I guess word travels fast, the teachers that saw it weren't in for the day yet.... Her teacher went on to tell me that she couldn't believe Bella had acted that way, she never throws fits, etc,etc, etc.... I seriously can hardly believe that. I wish she wouldn't save it all for Jeff and I....
Packing & Moving
4 years ago
This is a inquiry for the webmaster/admin here at
May I use some of the information from your blog post above if I provide a backlink back to this website?
Hello there,
Thanks for sharing the link - but unfortunately it seems to be down? Does anybody here at have a mirror or another source?
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